Paula is available for Speaking - please click here


Paula is available for Speaking - please click here 🧭

when your people thrive, your business prospers

About us

Practical help to harness your culture and drive business results.

Culture Change is a complex process.

At the EX Project we’re on a mission to cut through the overwhelm, isolation and frustration that activating a change in culture creates.

Making it manageable and mainstream - so it is easy to track, understand and change.

Ultimately driving your organisation’s success through an energised and connected workforce.

Wooden signpost at a path junction on a mountain

Tailored support that meets you where you are

With us, there is no ‘one size fits all’. While we have proven tools and techniques, we flex what and how we use these to your challenges and goals.

Here are just some of the ways we have helped our clients :-

  • Gain the support and involvement of their leadership team to get moving on their culture change journey, when they weren’t sure where - or how - to begin.

  • Defining and protecting the ideal culture for their business as it grows, helping refine the people processes, systems and management development needed to make that happen. 

  • Consolidating, promoting and making progress towards a united cultural standard and employee experience after a series of significant acquisitions.

  • Energise, inform and unite their Exec Leadership team during a crisis period that required them to drive a new culture to improve performance. 

  • Get complete clarity on what was driving toxic behaviours in their business. Supporting action planning to achieve their desired outcomes.

  • Implemented tried-and-tested strategies for overcoming resistance, to change d from colleagues to build proactivity and personal responsibility.

I would recommend Paula working with you.

Paula has used insight to make us think about how we lead and manage the organisation based on what is needed for customers.

Paula is high (nice) challenge and high support and we have made great strides with her help.

Ian Wardle, Chief Executive, A2Domain

Paula Brockwell in a pink dress standing in the middle of a forest stream

meet the founder

Hello, I’m Paula

It’s my mission to make culture change accessible and impactful for all.

As a prison officer’s daughter, I witnessed first-hand how the impact of toxic work can follow people through all parts of their lives.

I know that when businesses provide good work - this not only drives commercial success, but also positively impacts employees, their wider families and our communities. You can read more about that here.

I’m a Chartered Occupational Psychologist who has spent over twenty years developing an in-depth, practical and evidence-based understanding of what drives healthy organisational systems.

 I’ve seen many times how unstructured and untargeted the majority of culture change is, making it my mission to cut through the confusion and guess work.

I love my work and am immensely proud of what we are building at the Employee Experience Project.

We’ve partnered with our clients to create and validate innovative tools, metrics and techniques that make understanding and influencing the elements that drive culture accessible and tangible to all.

We never compromise on creating positive impact, whether it is in our direct consultancy work or through the difference we are making in building capability for culture change in the HR community through SPARK.


We’re not just redefining culture change; we’re revolutionising it.

We question existing practices because we know the time has come to break free from the traditional culture change methodologies that typically only deliver results about 30% of the time.

The Employee Experience Project was founded to offer a fresh, modern and better option for businesses to address today’s workplace challenges.

Our suite of practical tools and resources are specifically designed to allow you to move towards confidently and independently measuring and actively cultivating your culture.

Priming readiness to change icon

We help you foster readiness to change, getting your people on board with the need for change and their role in making it happen.

Building energy and enthusiasm with key groups to giveyou the initial momentum to get things moving.

Defining your culture playbook icon

Building a culture playbook that sets your ideal culture, and roles different colleagues groups need to play to make that reality.

Then we help you understand your current culture and what in your business is creating that, so we can target practical changes that enable the colleague experiences and behaviours you need for business success.

Cultivate your ideal culture icon

Our tribe-based approach to culture cultivation uses sprint based, agile methodology to involve people across the business in the change.

Making culture a whole business priority.

If you want to deep dive into what informs and drive our methodogy, you can explore it a bit more here.

Four employees at a Culture Change meeting being chaired by a lady smiling in a yellow shirt

Our Foundations

  • We cut through the noise and overwhelm.

    We believe clarity creates confidence.

    We're here to help you see through the fog and focus on the things that will influence your culture. Our easy-to-implement tools and frameworks allow you to breakdown your culture journey into clear, actionable steps and activities.

  • We are passionate about helping others succeed.

    We uplift people and prepare them to drive their culture independently.

    Our passion lies in culture change that works, and keeps working long after we are no longer in the picture.

  • We make culture everyone's business.

    Our work is rooted in uniting people and mainstreaming culture cultivation within organisations.

    We’re committed to building momentum and creating a tribe that supports change. We work alongside HR teams to transform your role into that of enablers of great culture through others.

  • We flex to your needs and context.

    No business is the same.

    While we have defined approach to change rooted in systems thinking, agile and behavioural science - we meet your people where they are. Our approach focuseson boosting readiness to change to ensure change initiatives stick.

Our Methodology

Our approach is based on proven techniques that really make a difference.

From harnessing positive psychology to building a culture playbook that excites everyone about the future of culture in your business by making it feel employee-centric, to using agile methodologies to activate the masses to authentically mainstream ownership of culture.

We’ll also help you utilise behavioural economics to create environmental nudges that encourage colleagues to take personal responsibility for delivering on business priorities.

Our approach systemises our experience of driving culture change with hundreds of clients into a set of tools that anyone can use to organise insights and define clear actions create productive workplace culture.

The EX Index

Allows you define your current culture, making clear links between colleagues experience and what behaviours that encourages them to demonstrate at work. It’s a great tool for helping leaders connect to how their own actions and business decisions day to day influences colleagues engagement and actions.

You can access your free EX Index Report here.

The Culture Catalyst Scorecard (CCS)

Our CCS Is astructuredd way to robustly RAG-rate how the core elements influencing your culture and colleagues’ everyday behavioours are aligned to your ideal culture.

It allows a data-driven approach to providing evidence to influential stakeholders of their impact on colleague behaviour, defining action planning priorities and evaluating the impact of any change initiatives put in place.