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A supportive, FREE community where we regularly hold masterclasses and share insights, thought pieces, practical advice, and easy-to-implement tools to support you with your culture cultivation journey.

the reality is that….

Our traditional professional training just doesn’t prepare us for the complexities and isolation of culture change.

That's why we not only provide direct work with our own clients, but also focus on upskilling the key culture owners within any business.

Join our incredible zero-cost community of like-minded, committed HR professionals who are looking share their experience while also learning from others to up-skill and up-level their knowledge of culture and employee experience.

Paula Brockwell laughing in a meeting room as she presents a SPARK session

This is the community for you if you are feeling:

  • isolated and frustrated because it seems like no one else within your business is acknowledging or addressing culture-related issues,

  • overwhelmed by the responsibility of dealing with culture challenges alone, without support or guidance from peers or superiors,

  • uncertain about the best approach to tackling your culture challenges and not sure where to start,

  • doubtful of your ability to effectively manage and influence culture change

  • sick of the unstructured and ethereal approaches to culture change that don't seem to help you get to the root causes of what you need to influence,

  • unsure of how you really build a tribe for change in your business, getting everyone involved in owning and proactively cultivating your culture for the long term.

The session was both engaging and accessible with clear language and storytelling.

Paula's expertise and passion for the topic made the session informative and relatable.

community member’s feedback on recent masterclass run by The employee experience project

Paula Brockwell sitting on a yellow chair taking meeting notes in an orange note pad

Example topics include:

  • Confronting your culture killers - how to deal with those grumbling, pesky behaviors that you just can’t seem to get rid of,

  • Upgrading your values - How to flip your values into more tangible and outcome-based resources, that support accountability of action for all,

  • Activating your leadership team - Aligning your culture change with your business core purpose and operational priorities to engage your leadership team,

  • Building your tribe - Practical tools and techniques to build shred ownership for culture change priorities setting and action.

You will also be the first to hear about our latest webinars and get access to our exclusive community peer learning and connection sessions.

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Priming Readiness to Change: A Supercharger for Culture Change

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Everyone who signs up receives FREE access to our EX Index tool to get started on your culture change journey.